Monday, November 22, 2010

Photos from Jerusalem

I'll write a blog tomorrow about my trip last week to Jerusalem, but for tonight I'll try to just upload some pictures and captions.
 An ancient wine press located in a garden that some believe to have been owned by Joseph of Arimathea
 The Old city is completely surrounded by these high stone walls
 The Entrance to the Old City of Jerusalem
 The Western Wall
 Al-Aqsa Mosque, the second oldest mosque in the world
 The Mount of Olives
 Dig site just outside the Old City revealing ancient Jerusalem

 The Church of the Holy Sepulcher
 Inside the Holy Sepulcher, I believe this is supposed to coincide with the rock in the next picture

 Mosaic at the Holy Sepulcher
 The tomb at the Holy Sepulcher
 The Dome at the Holy Sepulcher
spices in the old city

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